Exam / Assessment Stress

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

You are not alone

One of the most stressful aspects of studying can be all the assessments and exams you have to do.  This year, like last, is very unusual as you won’t be facing external exams but that doesn’t mean you can avoid the stress altogether, as you will still be assessed by your teachers and lecturers in a variety of different ways.

Where can you get help?

There are many websites to help you but some times that in itself can be overwhelming.  Here are a few ideas to help you navigate the stress around finishing your course successfully.

Conquering Exam Stress: Lessons From Our Bodies is a very interesting little video that looks at what happens in your body when you are stressed as well as giving you three easy tips to follow to lower your stress.

Both these websites Student Minds and Young Minds offer you ideas about how to cope with stress, specifically in relation to assessments.


Also at Student Minds is an article focuses specifically on coping with assessment during the pandemic

My parents don’t really understand

If your parents are struggling to understand the pressure you’re under from exams, perhaps you could direct them to this article from the NHS

How College can help?

College has access to a range of options to support you.  First you could get in touch with your progress coach.  They can refer you to Wellbeing (you can refer yourself too) and counselling.  There is the enrichment centre too.  Also talk to your teachers, explain how you are feeling and what support you feel you might need.



