Category: information
Graphic by Roger Francis
Graphic by Roger Francis This is a brilliant TED talk that we can all relate to….. The student counselling page which can be found on this site or on the VLE also has lots of advice on this matter.
Behind on college work?
Photo by from Pexels Don’t panic!! Have you got yourself into a work snowball? You missed one assignment and then didn’t manage to catch up with that one before another one came along and then another and then another and before you know it you’re in a work avalanche and you haven’t a clue where to start? …
Exam / Assessment Stress
Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels You are not alone One of the most stressful aspects of studying can be all the assessments and exams you have to do. This year, like last, is very unusual as you won’t be facing external exams but that doesn’t mean you can avoid the stress altogether, as you will still be…
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels What is Maskne? Wearing masks can be a bit of a battle: running out of breath when going up the stairs or having hundreds but being unable to find one. There’s one issue that doesn’t get talked about a lot is the spots, pimples, zits and blemishes that appear from wearing your…